I'm Nadav Manham, the president of Elera Advisors LLC, an independent investment advisory firm in New York. Elera manages separate accounts for individual investors in a concentrated value style. It also offers money manager selection consulting to individual and family office investors.
I can be reached at nmanham at eleraadvisorsllc dot com
Studying the great "compound interest machines" has been my passion since I first encountered Warren Buffett at the age of 18. A compound interest machine is simply a person, or business, that can compound capital at high returns over long periods of time. It can be a
- hedge fund manager
- mutual fund manager
- private equity fund manager
- venture capitalist
- publicly traded investment company
-"normal" business that can compound capital unusually well
The money manager selection industry--what Buffett calls the Helpers--has grown enormously. In my opinion, much of what it preaches is wrong, especially for taxable investors like individuals and family offices, because of conflicts of interest and other perverse incentives.
Elera Advisors LLC is my attempt to do better, to be a Helper who helps. This blog is my attempt to explain how I do it.
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